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2950 S Jamaica Ct, Suite 301, Aurora, CO 80011

Agent Tyler Chicoine

From left to right: Agent Tyler Chicoine, Director Mike Alexander

Thank you to Agent Tyler Chicoine for completing one year of service at Blackwatch. Agent Chicoine joined Blackwatch on April 26, 2021 and has previously earned an Exemplary Service Citation. Agent Chicoine generally operates in retail security, but has assisted in other operations such as high-end auction security, Commercial property patrols, and high-risk operations. Thank you for everything you do and we look forward to celebrating two years with you.

Agent Michael VanBlaricom

Left to right: Agent Michael VanBlaricom, Director Mike Alexander

Thank you to Agent Michael VanBlaricom for completing one year of service at Blackwatch. Agent VanBlaricom joined Blackwatch on July 18, 2021. Agent VanBlaricom generally operates in retail security and patrolling a set of commercial properties in N. Aurora that houses some well-known, high-security organizations. Agent VanBlaricom has operated in other theaters as well. Thank you for everything you do and we look forward to celebrating two years with you.


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