At BLACKWATCH, our clients are more than just a source of revenue. We truly care about their personal safety at work, or otherwise. We believe that security starts with each of us taking a personal responsibility for our own safety. Security and law enforcement is an augmentation of that personal responsibility. For our long-term security clients*, we offer a variety of training at a discounted rate or at no extra charge. This training will help our clients improve their personal security when they are not around security, such as at home or out running errands and in aiding security personnel when certain situations arise. Some of the training we provide are:

  • Self-defense (incl. in contract for middle management and up)(discounted rate for others)*
  • Situational Awareness (incl. in contract for middle management and up)(discounted rate for others)*
  • De-escalation Techniques (incl. in contract for middle management and up)(discounted rate for others)*
  • Evacuation Procedures (incl. in contract)*
  • Emergency Preparedness (incl. in contract)*
  • Threat/Robbery Response (incl. in contract)*
  • Active Shooter Response (incl. in contract)*

Self-defense: Many self-defense classes teach so much at once, the student can’t retain the information long enough to even practice at home, never mind trying to use in a real-life situation. Our self-defense class teaches 10 basic moves that can help you escape:

  • frontal assault of punches, slaps, jabs, kicks, chokes, stabs, or gun point
  • rear assaults of chokes, holds, knives, or gun point
  • side attacks with knife or gun point.

Situational Awareness: Learn to be more vigilant and identify warning signs of potential threats. Scenario-based training that could save your life.

De-escalation Techniques: Short lecture followed by scenarios and role-play. Teaches students how to handle potentially volatile situations by taking control of the dialogue in a manner that calms the subject down to a reasonable level. Instruction also covers a list of commonly used phrases that should NEVER be used.

Evacuation Procedures: Do you and your employees know what to do in the event of a fire? A gas leak? Bomb threat? We can develop a plan and train your staff to know exactly what to do in the event of a necessary evacuation.

Emergency Preparedness: Ensure that your employees know what to do in the event of a crisis, i.e. know the location of all fire extinguishers and how to properly use them, know the location of silent alarm triggers/panic buttons and who to expect to respond, emergency shut down procedures, etc.

Threat/Robbery Response: Learn how to deal with a variety of threats by phone, mail, email, or in-person. Learn how to increase your chances of survival in a robbery situation. Also, learn protocols to safely get help.

Active Shooter Response: Learn best practices for active shooter events with and without a security presence. Improve your chances of survival should you ever find yourself in this awful position.

*Long-term Clients are those clients with an applicable contract of three months or more. Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for details.