We provide a wide variety of consulting services for homeowners, businesses and even security companies. Let our professionals help you with your security needs today!
Homeowner Services: Considering installing cameras around your home? Maybe an alarm system? Not sure what you need? Contact us. We can help. We will meet with you and find out what your concerns and budget are. We will also look at the crime data for your area and do a risk assessment. We will combine those things to help you find a solution for your security needs.
Businesses: We’ll do the same for you as our residential clients but with a commercial property in mind. Maybe you need a physical security presence. Maybe remote monitoring for your surveillance system. Whatever your needs and budget, we can find a solution for you.
Security Companies: Looking for insurance that will cover armed guards? Maybe you aren’t sure how to navigate Denver Excise and License. Maybe you need training services or advice on inexpensive software to run your company. Whatever problems you may be having, BLACKWATCH can find answers to help you grow.
Consulting services are charged on an hourly rate. Call for details!