Big Box Retail:
If you want to avoid store closings, less shrinkage from theft, and actually turn a profit, let security do their jobs. What many people don’t realize is the fact that store security, even armed security, are restricted by these retailers. They take a soft stance on crime, and we, the consumer, pay the price. Corporate retail will not allow security to stop, question, investigate, or arrest shoplifters. When you do see it, they are going against the rules and could end up being fired for it, or the security company losing the contract with that retailer. Not all security companies are equipped or trained to properly stop, detain, or arrest shoplifters, looters, etc., but there are many companies out there that are fully capable of bringing your theft shrinkage down significantly if these retailers would do their research into companies and let go of the reins to allow security to do their jobs. Many of these corporations are afraid of lawsuits stemming from the detention or arrest of shoplifters. This is where hiring a proper security company comes into play. When shopping for security, ask about their training and even ask to come in to see their training in person. Ask about their liability insurance and request a copy of their COI. Even ask to be a named insured on their policy. We have several clients as named insureds on our policy.
People of Chicago and Other Cities in which Corporate Box Stores Have Closed:
Don’t blame the stores. The people of these communities have done this to themselves. It’s simple cause and effect. People in Chicago are protesting WalMart and blaming them for closing. They are saying things like, “How can WalMart do this to the community?” The real question is, how can the community do this to WalMart? You have a resource that you count on for groceries or whatever else. Why, as a community, would you continuously steal from the store, and even totally destroy at least one of them? I’m not a fan of large, corporate America. However, even large corporations are still a business. If a business isn’t profitable, they are going to shut down. Taking huge losses every single year for almost two decades (yes, they’ve had a net loss for 17 years in Chicago) is not sustainable. As mentioned above, this isn’t only the problem of the community, but the community should start stepping up and holding people accountable. Don’t blame the retailers for packing up and moving out. Blame the members of your community for stealing, vandalizing, and looting these retailers. Blame your politicians who are soft on crime and the people who voted them into office.
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