Our Team

We have a team of experienced and certified agents, as well as agents in training operating in support roles. We also have experienced investigators that track down those hard-to-find defendants. For safety, we always operate with a minimum of two agents per defendant and have more agents available if needed. We have a number of qualified agents allowing us to handle multiple assignments at once.

Our Training

Our agents begin their journey into Bail Enforcement in the office learning how to find defendants via the internet and phone. Once they have mastered those skills, they go with an experienced investigator and learn to conduct field interviews with known family, friends, and associates of the subject. From there, our agents-in-training go out with enforcement agents in an observational role to learn how to properly effect arrests. Once we determine they are ready, we have them test to be certified as bail enforcement agents.

Our Methods

We do everything in our power to operate behind the scenes and in the shadows. We strive not to bother relatives, friends, associates, or possible employers unless all other means such as internet-based searches and calling other jails proves fruitless. We also strive to create a minimal impact on the public and employers by trying to catch the defendant outside of work. This allows for less stress and embarrassment for the defendant as well as less stress and disruption for an employer.

We believe that treating people, including defendants, with dignity and respect is the bedrock foundation in this business. Generally speaking, we do not dress up like SWAT officers like many agents do. Like Executive Protection, we dress for the occasion. Defendants that are low-level offenders don’t need SWAT coming for them. We tend to dress in plain clothes with our badges, handcuffs, and any weapons concealed. This creates less panic in the defendant as well as the general public. Vehicles are unmarked and inconspicuous. This doesn’t mean that we can’t be full tactical. We gear up to match the potential threat level, no more, no less. Most offenders can be easily, quickly, and quietly arrested when you don’t create a scene.

Bail Enforcement FAQ

  • We take a different approach from the others. We include the same customer service aspect in our bail enforcement as we do for security. We treat the defendants like human beings...because they are human beings. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. We also don't travel all over town dressed like SWAT officers. There is a time and a place for that. Most defendants don't require that level of tactics to warrant all that gear. We tend to be low-key, plainly dressed, and unnoticeable as bail enforcement agents so as not to alarm the defendant or the public. We treat every defendant with dignity and respect. Innocent until proven guilty.
  • No worries. Our team of skip-tracers and investigators will turn over every stone to try to locate your defendant.
  • No. We still have ballistic vests under our clothes. It's more dangerous when you create alarm or panic in the defendant. If someone was coming to arrest you, would you prefer a friendly face that speaks to you as a human being, or someone that looks like they're going to war and barks orders at you worse than people talk to their dogs?