Blackwatch Agent Locks Down School and Places Himself Between 15 Year Old Student and Gunman
At the time, we were unarmed at Aurora Public Schools. Our agent had only a baton, OC spray, and handcuffs. No firearm. No ballistic vest. Since the following incident, we have been fully armed and wear body armor. On April 5, 2022, Agent Garrett Card acted beyond reproach when an armed individual pulled a gun on a student (see citation below). Agent Card joined Blackwatch December 15, 2021. He has previously been awarded the Exemplary Service Citation. Agent Card’s action are exactly what should be done by any Security Professional, School Resource Officer, or Law Enforcement Officer. The safety and welfare of the children should always come first and no one should just stage or standby for orders or instruction while children are in danger. Thank you Agent Card for your valor, diligence, and quick, decisive action.

Left to right: Supervisory Agent Charles Hall, Agent Garrett Card, Director Mike Alexander

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