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2950 S Jamaica Ct, Suite 301, Aurora, CO 80011

Equal Opportunity Employer – In the Truest Sense

What’s behind the Name?

Twice in the three and a half years we’ve been operating, we’ve been told our name was racist without any research into our company (once in our first year, and again recently). The origin of our name is on our website. The company was started by an American Marine Corps vet and a Scottish native living in the US. They wanted a name that portrayed military discipline and professionalism and have a Scottish undertone (hence the castle and Lion Rampant in our logo). The name is derived from and in honor of The Black Watch, an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland. The name fits perfectly. Not only does it have the military and Scottish flavors, but it also explains what we do. No. It’s not what ignorant people think we do. We don’t just watch black people. The name is not Black People Watch. We watch EVERYTHING. It’s our job to do so. We watch for potential threats, suspicious activity, and for ANYONE wishing to commit a crime on our clients’ property or to our clients themselves. Most of our watching usually occurs in the black of night. Therefore, watch in the black of night = Blackwatch. As long as people view the world through color, they will always find racism, even where there is none.

Equal Opportunity

We’re a small company. We’re that way by design. Naturally, we do want growth, but not rapid growth. If we grew too fast, we wouldn’t be able to train people properly and our level of service would suffer. As such, we keep our high standards in place, and turn down work when we don’t have the available manpower.

At Blackwatch, we don’t care what color you are, who you pray to or don’t pray to, what political party you belong to, who you sleep with, or what parts you have under your clothes. The only things we care about are the following: Can you do the job well enough to meet our high standards? Do you stand up straight, look people in the eye, and carry yourself professionally? Do you have a good command of the English language, written and verbal? Are you an honorable person with strong integrity? Do you have a clean record? If the answer to these questions is yes, and that person can pass our training curriculum in the classroom and in practical application, then they’re hired.

Because clients put their trust and their lives in our hands, we only hire the best people we can find. Not only is our longest standing employee black, but he’s also gay. Having said that, if the best we could find was nothing but straight white males, then that’s what we would have. If the best we could find was nothing but lesbian black women, that’s what we would have. If the best we could find was nothing but transgender people, then that’s what we would have. We don’t need quotas or DEI scores to tell us who to hire, not hire, write-up, or fire. Our company is not rooted in politics, ideologies, or things that make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Our only mission is the safety and protection of our clients and the communities in which we operate.

So, if your black, white, pink, purple, burnt sienna, or gorilla snot green and can answer yes to the questions above, apply today. If you’re looking for serious safety and protection for yourself or your facility and people, and you care more about the level of protection you’ll receive rather than their DEI score, contact us today. If we have the manpower available, we’ll gladly take you on as a client.

Post Author: Michael Alexander

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