Whether you need protection for people, property, or assets (stationary, or in transit), BLACKWATCH has you covered. We offer the highest standards of protection for all scenarios.

Personal Protection
Plain clothes or uniformed agents
Personal Protection Agents are proactive rather than reactive. Protection Agents are methodical, calculating, and work to prevent incidents from occurring. People hire personal protection for many reasons: employee terminations, domestic partnerships gone bad, high profile occupation, and the list goes on. Regardless of the reason, BLACKWATCH agents can help. We start by performing a comprehensive threat assessment. We then shore up any vulnerabilities at home, at work, and in your routine. Before you walk out the door, our agents have planned routes and backup routes. They have already scouted the location you plan to go and have ensured your safety at the destination. Our agents have also secured exit strategies just in case. Every action has a contingency and we leave no stone unturned. Though we don’t have the resources or authority of the Secret Service, we can provide as close of an alternative as you can get without being the President. We can be low key to blend in, or we can be as obvious as needed.

Property Protection
Sometimes you need more than just a guard with a handgun and cuffs. A property with high value assets such as a data center, museum, places dealing in precious stones/metals, etc. may need a bit more. BLACKWATCH can provide you with security teams to protect those assets from a potential heist or other threats. We can provide you with personnel to monitor surveillance, patrol inside and outside, and/or a reaction force should someone be brazen enough to try to break in.

Asset Protection
Inconspicuous or marked vehicles available
Whether stationary or in transit, we will protect your assets. BLACKWATCH can provide you with a single agent or a team. We can also escort your assets in transit with as little as one guard riding in the transport vehicle, to a team of escort vehicles front and back. We can be discreet or clearly visible. Whatever your needs are, BLACKWATCH is here for you.
Personal Protection FAQ
- How much does personal protection cost?Personal protection has generally been something only the rich can afford. It can cost as much as $1,000.00 per day or more. However, we at Blackwatch believe that everyone deserves to feel safe and protected when needed. We have plans that those who are not rich can afford. Under certain circumstances, we may even be able to provide services for little or no cost. See our Samaritan page for details on that service.
- What's the difference between personal protection, executive protection, close protection, and bodyguards?Personal protection, executive protection, and close protection generally describe the same thing. We use the term personal protection because it is more inclusive of a term. Executive protection sounds as though it alienates those of lesser means than the wealthy. Close protection is not a term that most people are familiar with. For the difference between bodyguards and personal protection, read our blog post titled: 'Personal Protection vs. Bodyguard'.
- Why is personal protection so expensive compared to security guards?Personal protection agents go through much more extensive and specific training that security guards don't normally do. The personal protection agent's mindset and discipline is at a far higher standard as well. With security, lives are rarely at stake. With protection services, lives are ALWAYS at stake. Also, there is not a huge market for their specific skillsets, and often the jobs are temporary. Many have to find other sources of income for when they are not providing protection services. They have to find that rare employer than can allow them the flexibility of working for them as well as doing protection.