They say a picture is worth 1,ooo words. The image below does just that. The circled area represents three of four commercial properties that we protected throughout the year 2023. The fourth building is a few blocks north of E 40th Circle. The pinpoints on the map represent crimes reported from Jan 1st to December 31, 2023. The large buildings with high numbers of crimes are hotels. To put this in even greater perspective, we had only two agents running between all four properties. These hotels each have one guard for each property. In simple terms, their numbers should be lower than ours.
Why is there such a huge difference? The other companies are operating in the same fashion as they’ve done for 10, 20, 30 years or more. As the criminal element evolves, so do we. Blackwatch constantly monitors the current criminal trends and develops new ways to combat them. The others don’t. If you want cheap security, your numbers are going to be high and you’re not going to get much for your security investment. If you want smaller numbers, and in some cases, zero crime, call us. We’ll be glad to help.

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